"Among His beautiful signs is the creation of soulmates from amongst yourselves, destined for you to find serenity in one another. He adorned your connection with love and compassion, revealing profound signs for those who reflect deeply." (QS. Ar-Rum 21)
With a request for grace and blessings from Allah SWT, who has created His creatures in pairs, we intend to invite you, Mr./Mrs./Miss, to attend our wedding ceremony.
Allow us to unveil the enchanting chronicle of our journey.
September 2021
The road was undoubtedly long, slippery, rocky, stormy, windy, well... you name it. However, we didn't mind at all because who would have guessed that we could finally find each other in such a seemingly hopeless place?
May 2022
There is always the first time for everything. First glance at each other, first laugh together, first step altogether.
And on that day, Indonesia National Museum witnessing those two weird quirky people “met” for the first time in their life.
January 2023
Slowly, we realized that we're like two peas in a pod!
And, steadily but surely, we shared the great news with each of our parents.
August 2023
Actions speak louder than words. On that day, Richki, accompanied by his parents, expressed his heartfelt intentions to marry Ovi by embarking on a journey to the enchanting city of Klaten.
November 2023
We are officially engaged!
The clock is ticking; some days feel long, while others feel short. But we can't wait for the BIG DAY to arrive.
Klaten, 23 December 2023
Ready for the next chapter?
Our Moments
Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form: