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Atiek & Zahid:

Menuju Hari H

22 Februari 2025


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22 02 2025

Atiek & Zahid: Menuju Hari H

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir." (Surah Ar-Rum : 21)

Couple Today

Segala Puji Bagi Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan hambanya hidup berpasang-pasangan. Dengan memohon Ridho, Rahmat, dan Berkah Allah SWT, kami bermaksud untuk mengundang Saudara/i dalam acara pernikahan yang kami selenggarakan.


Atiek Ishlahiyah
Al Hamasy

Putri Pertama dari
H. Abdul Hakim
& Hj. Masyhudah

Zahid Masruri

Putra Ketiga dari
H. Abdullah & Hj. Ashlihah

Time & Location

InsyaAllah akan dilaksanakan pada:

22 Februari 2025

Bertempat di Masjid Baitul Amin,
Sumurber Panceng Gresik.

Bertempat di kediaman mempelai wanita
RT 17 RW 6, Sumurber Panceng Gresik.

Netflix Series: The Ties That Bind

Genre: Romantic, Drama

The Ties That Bind chronicles the journey of two souls navigating love, family, and fate in a world where tradition and modernity collide. With an air of mystery and the grit of timeless elegance, this series captures the rise of a power couple destined to conquer life's challenges together.

Episode 1:
The Ancol Encounter

Release Date:
September 16, 2023

In the smoky haze of Jakarta's coastline, a chance meeting rekindles a friendship long nurtured in silence. Beneath the glittering Ancol skyline, two paths cross, sparking a connection that could change everything. What begins as a casual outing hints at a story of deeper intrigue and unspoken truths.

Episode 2:
Bonds of the November Pact

Release Date:
November 1, 2023

Against the backdrop of bustling city streets and shadowy corners, the two decide to formalize their partnership. As they delve into each other's lives, the couple discovers shared dreams, vulnerabilities, and a chemistry that feels as inevitable as the rising sun. Together, they vow to protect what they’re building.

Episode 3:
Blessings and Promises

Release Date:
December 11, 2023

With determination and a touch of apprehension, the couple faces their first trial: seeking the approval of their elders. The meeting unfolds with tension and grace as they navigate tradition, loyalty, and the weight of familial expectations.

Episode 4:
The Family Council

Release Date:

Over the course of a year, the two families meet in warm gatherings filled with laughter, discussions, and shared dreams. Each gathering strengthens their bond and builds a shared vision for the couple's future.

Episode Final:
The February Union

Release Date:
February 22, 2025

The climactic finale sees the couple standing at the altar, their journey culminating in a wedding that blends tradition with their unique story. With love and blessings, they step into a future filled with promise and unity.


& Send Prayers

Wedding Gift

Do'a restu keluarga, sahabat, serta rekan-rekan semua di pernikahan kami sudah sangat cukup sebagai hadiah, namun jika memberi merupakan tanda kasih, kami dengan senang hati menerimanya dan tentunya semakin melengkapi kebahagiaan kami.

Atiek Ishlahiyah Al Hamasy


Muhammad Zahid Masruri


Rumah Mempelai Wanita

RT 17 RW 6, Sumurber Panceng Gresik.

Salin Alamat

Merupakan suatu kebahagiaan dan kehormatan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, berkenan hadir dan memberikan do'a restu kepada kami

Kami yang berbahagia

Atiek & Zahid

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